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Professor Emerita
California State University, Stanislaus College of Education
Turlock, CA 95382
www.JoanWink.comPermanent Address
PO Box 137
Howes, SD 57748

Abbreviated Vita
Travel Schedule

March 23, 2016



Educational Curriculum and Instruction, Texas A & M University, (August, 1991)


Educational Foundations and Administration, Bilingual Education emphasis, University of Arizona, 1985


Spanish, University of Arizona, 1982


Spanish, English, Education, Yankton College, Yankton, South Dakota, Magna cum laude, 1966


Adjunct Professor, The College of New Jersey in Mallorca, Spain. International Education Program, Summer 1995 to present

Adjunct Professor, part-time, Black Hills State University, Fall 2012 to present

Adjunct Professor, part-time, South Dakota State University, Fall 2011 & Spring 2012

Adjunct Professor, part-time, California State University, Stanislaus, 2007-2012

Professor Emerita, Spring 2008.

Advisory Board, WindSwept Academy, Eagle Butte, South Dakota, 2011-2012.

Advisory Committee for College of Education of Black Hills State University, Spearfish, South Dakota. Fall 2007 to present.

Professor, Spring 1997.

Previous Coordination: Multilingual Education Master’s of Arts and Cross-cultural Language and Academic Development (CLAD) Certificate program, Master’s of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction, Language Development Specialist Certificate, and the Multiple Subject Credential Program, California State University Stanislaus, Department of Teacher Education, 1992-2000

Assistant to the President, part-time, CSU Stanislaus, September 1997 to June 1998.

Faculty Development Committee Lead for CSU Stanislaus Faculty Development Committee, May 1996 to May 1998.

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Educational Curriculum Instruction, Texas A & M University. Taught Reading for the Culturally Diverse to elementary education majors. Spring 1991.

Lecturer, Department of Educational Curriculum Instruction, Texas A & M University. Taught Reading for the Culturally Diverse and Reading in the Elementary Schools to elementary education majors. Taught Multicultural Education, Language Acquisition and Development, and Second Language Methodology to elementary and secondary education majors. Fall 1989, Spring 1990, Fall 1990.

Student Teacher University Supervisor. Department of Educational Curriculum Instruction, Texas A & M University. Supervised elementary and secondary ESL student teachers. Fall 1989 through Spring 1991.

Lecturer, Spanish Department, Texas A & M University. Language Proficiency Institute, 1990.

Bilingual Education Coordinator, Davis Joint Unified School District, Davis, California. Responsibilities included bilingual, ESL, migrant, and immersion programs. 1985-1989.

Title VII Director, Davis Joint Unified School District, Davis, California. Responsibilities included the writing and implementation of federal Title VII programs. 1985-1989.

Spanish Teacher, Benson Unified School District, Benson, Arizona. Taught Spanish I, II, III, & IV in high school and taught junior high school Spanish. Created and implemented Spanish Club and Spanish National Honor Society. 1979-1985.

Language Arts Teacher, Benson Middle School, Benson, Arizona. 1977-1979.

Dean of Women, Yankton College, Yankton, South Dakota. 1972-1973.

Instructor, Spanish Department, Yankton College, Yankton, South Dakota. 1971-1972.

Teacher, Spanish Department, Great Valley High School, Malvern, Pennsylvania. 1966-1967.


Distinguish Educator Lecture from Association of Teacher Educators, Phoenix, 2015
Outstanding Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity Professor, 2007
PKP The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, Lifetime Membership, California State University, Stanislaus


Wink, J., Putney, L.G., Scott, C. E., Wienk, R., & Wink, D. (2016, Spring in press). Teaching as mentoring. In H. Smith (Ed.). Gendenkschrift for Richard Ruíz, Bilingual Review/Revista Bilingüe, University of TX, San Antonio. (3.23.2016, page #s not yet available)

Wink, J. (2015). Power-up literacy with Story. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited. [May 1, 2015, contract awarded for next book]

Wink, J. (2015). Solicited blind review: Carrying that weight: ESL teacher negotiations toward advocacy and equity, for Radical Pedagogy.

Wink, J. (2002 to present). WinkWorld, a monthly electronic newsletter for teachers and families. WinkWorld Archive. | Sign up See form in left sidebar

Wink, J. (2015). The big ideas: Putting the pieces together. In D. Freeman & Y. Freeman, Research on Preparing Inservice Teachers to Work Effectively with Emergent Bilinguals, Advances in Research in Teaching Series: Vol. 2 (pp. 293-298). England: Emerald Books.

Wink, J., Britton K., Hawksworth, D., McMorrow, T., Schneider, D., Scott, C., Wienk, R., & Wink, D. (2016). Socrates returns to the classroom. In M. Daniel & K. Moktari (Eds.), Meeting the challenges of the changing demographics using assessment of instruction that makes a difference in EL’s success (pp.165- 186). New York, NY: Roman & Littlefield.

Wink, J. (2014, January-March). Joy is here, indeed. Review of the book, Finding joy in teaching students of diverse backgrounds: Culturally responsive and socially just practices in U.S. Multicultural Perspectives, 16(1), 50-52.

Putney, L., & Wink, J. (2013). Book review of Vygotsky’s theory for educators and parents, by Yurly V. Karpov, for Cambridge Press.

Wink, J., & Putney, L. (2012, November). Engagement with books. School Library Monthly, 29(2), 21-23.

Wink, J., & Putney, L. (2012, November). Library mapping. School Library Monthly, 29(2), 39-40.

Wink, J., & Putney, L. (2012, November). English/Language Arts: Engagement with school libraries. School Library Monthly, 29(2), 53-55.

Wink, J. (2012, January). Reviewed Passion into action: Facilitating teachers to act critically in equity and excellence in education. Boston, MA: University of MA.

Putney, L. & Wink, J. (2013). From Vygotsky to Vera to all of us: The mentoring magnifies. In R. Lake, & C. Connery (Eds.), Constructing a community of thought: Letters on the scholarship, teaching, and mentoring of Vera John-Steiner (pp. 139-145). NY: Peter Lang Publishing Co.

Teemant, A., Wink, J., & Tyra, S. (2011) Effects of coaching on teachers’ use of sociocultural instructional practices. Teaching and Teacher Education, 27(4), 683-693.

Wink, J., & Putney, L. (2011). A vision of Vygotsky, eBook Edition. Order.
(2013). Arabic Translation.

Wink, J. (2011). Critical pedagogy: Notes from the real world (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Order
(2000). Chinese Translation.
(2012). Greek Translation.

Wink, J. (2009, June). What the “other” taught me about bilingual basics. Symposium: Imagining Multilingual TESOL. TESOL Quarterly, 41(2), 327-331.

Teemant, A., Tyra, S., & Wink, J. (2009). Evaluating the effectiveness of the CREDE coaching model. Proceedings from the 3rd Annual Center for Research on Education, Diversity & Excellence Conference, University of California, Berkeley, San Francisco, CA. Download

Wink, J., & Wink, D. (2008, January). Book Review of Critical pedagogy: Where are we now? P. McLaren & J. L. Kincheloe (eds.) for Teachers College Record. Order

Wink, J. (2007, November). Manuscript review of ELL Seminar, by Drs. Yvonne and David Freeman & Dr. Ann Ebe Book, for Rigby ELL Professional Development Seminar.

Wink, J., & Wink, D. (2008, January). Book Review of Have you ever seen? An American sign language (ASL) DVD/Book by Adonia K. Smith and E. Lynn Jacobowitz for Bilingual Basics of TESOL. (This review is connected to 2nd language acquisition and is not the same review as posted below.)

Wink, J., & Wink, D. (2007, November). Book review of Have you ever seen? An American sign language (ASL) DVD/Book by Adonia K. Smith and E. Lynn Jacobowitz for Teachers College Record. Order

Putney, L., Wink, J., Perkins, P. (2006, Fall). Teachers as researchers: Using the Critical Action Research Matrix Application (CARMA) for reflexive classroom inquiry. Florida Journal of Teacher Education, pp. 23-25.

Wink, J., & Wink, D. (2006, May). Bilingual basics. Bilingual Education Interest Section E‑Newsletter, 8(1), Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).

Wink, J. (2005, Spring). We didn’t teach you everything in your teacher education program. Faculty Voices, 56-59.

Paterson, S. & Wink, J. (2005, Spring/Summer). Finding ways to combat a “pedagogy of coverage” through action research. In J. Towell & C. Morales-Jones, (Eds.), Florida Journal of Teacher Education, Vol. VIII. (pp. 70-77). Boca Raton, FL: Florida Atlantic University.

Wink, J. (2005). Critical Pedagogy: Notes from the Real World. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. In R. Phillipson (Ed.), Rights to language: Equity, power, and education (3rd ed.) (pp. 259-263). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Wink, J., & Wink, D. (2003). Teaching passionately: What’s love got to do with it? Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Putney, L. G., & Wink, J. (2002). Breaking rules: Constructing avenues of access in multilingual classrooms. In F. Schultz (Ed.), Annual Editions: Multicultural Education (9th ed.) (pp. 114-120). Guilford, CT: McGraw Hill/Dushkin.

Wink, J., & Putney, L. (2002). A vision of Vygotsky. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Wink, J. (2002). Finding the freedom to teach and learn and live. In. W. Goodman (Ed.), Multicultural education: Shifting perspectives, (pp. 208-216). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Mora, J, Wink, J. & Wink. D. (2001, Fall). Dueling models of dual language instruction. Bilingual Research Journal, 435-458.

Wink, J. (2000). Critical pedagogy: Notes from the real world (2nd ed.). White Plains, NY: Addison Wesley Longman Publishers.

Wink, J. (2000, January). Prairie pedagogy: Deep Creek Elementary. The South Dakota Magazine, 26-32.

Wink, J., & Putney, L. (2000). Turning transformative principles into practice: Strategies for English-dominant teachers in a multilingual context. In R. DeVillar & J. Tinajero, (Es.), The power of two languages: Effective dual language use across the curriculum for academic success (pp. 175-186). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Wink, J. (1999, Summer/Fall). Letter from the chair, Bilingual Basics of TESOL, 1(2), 1 & 3.

Wink, J. (1998, Winter/Spring). Letter from the chair, Bilingual Basics of TESOL, 1(2), 3.

Putney, L., Wu, Y., & Wink, J. (1999, Winter). What can English-dominant teachers do in a multilingual context? Stop, think, and proceed with care. The CA Reader, 32(2), 10‑15.

Putney, L. & Wink, J. (1998, Spring). Breaking rules: Constructing avenues of access in multilingual classrooms. TESOL Journal, 7(3), 29-34.

California Consortium for Teacher Development (CCTD). (1998, Spring). Technical analysis of Proposition 227; written for policy makers in Sacramento. I was one of six authors of this document.

Wink, J. (1998, Winter/Spring). Honoring the legacy of Paulo Freire. Bilingual Basics of TESOL, 1(1), 6-8.

Wink, J. (1997, Fall). Remembering Paulo Freire. Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education, 2, 101-102.

Wink, J. and EDML 5400. (1997, Fall). Those people: You know how they are. NAME Journal (National Association of Multicultural Education), 5(1), 40-44.

Wink, J. (1997). Critical pedagogy: Notes from the real world. White Plains, NY: Addison Wesley Longman Publishers.

Reviewed in: (Autumn, 1997). TESOL Quarterly(31)3, 645-651.

Wink, J. (1996, Winter). Jonathan: Linking critical pedagogy and literacy. The Journal of the California Literature Project Journal (CLiPs), 2(4), 27-30.

Wink, J. & Bender, C., Bravo, I., Putney, L., Reberg, R., Whitehead, S. (1995, Summer/Fall). California: A picture of diverse language groups and ESL/bilingual programs. The Bilingual Research Journal, 641-659.


For more information on travel and presentations, visit Joan’s Schedule.

Media Creation

Fall 2014, Black Hills State University.
Spring 2012, EDEL 9046, CSU Stanislaus
Fall 2011, EDSC 4110, CSU Stanislaus

Spiral of Literacy: 11 minutes

Krashen’s 5 Hypotheses: or, Mamas, Meaning, and Motivation: 11 minutes

3 Perspectives on Teaching and Learning: 7 minutes

Principles of Bilingual Education: 11 minutes

Pedagogy Timeline: 15 minutes
The Ebb and Flow of the Big Ideas of Education

Bilingual Basics Part One: 50 seconds

Bilingual Basics Part Two: Images:


TESOL 2016 (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages): 50th Anniversary Conference. Invited Speaker. Breaking Borders: Birth to Death. Baltimore, Maryland: April 5-8, 2016

Storytelling: The link between libraries and literacies. Invited keynote for International Association of School Librarian (IASL), April 14, 2014, Austin Texas. <a href=”” target=”_blank”>ASL Website</a>

TESOL 2014 (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages): ELT for the Next Generation. Portland, Oregon, March 26-29, 2014.

Wink, J., Brisk, M., Collier, V., Cummins, J., Freeman, D., Freeman, Y., & Thomas, W. (March, 27, 2015). Invited speakers. Bilingual Education Interest Section (BEIS) Academic Session, A Celebration of 40 Years of Multiculturalism. Joan’s presentation: Pedagogical Principles I’ve Learned from TESOL over a Really Long Time.

Wink, J., Behrens, M., Krauth, L., & Albers, T. (March 27, 2014). TESOL, 2014, Portland, Oregon. Writers Workshop and Language Nests to Nurture Heritage Languages.

Putney, L. G., Wink, J., Scott, C., & Balatayo, J. (March 28, 2014). TESOL, 2014, Portland, Oregon. Presentation: Success.

Qatar University. (2013, January 13-18). Invited Keynote. Reflective Teaching and Learning, presented for the faculty of Qatar University. Interactive session, Reflecting Together.

TESOL 2013 (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages): Harmonizing Language, Heritage, and Culture. Dallas, Texas, March 20-23, 2013.

Wink, J. Biliteracy: Our Best Bet. Invited speaker for K-12 Dream Day. (March 20, 2013).

Behrens, M., & Wink, J. Lakota Language and Writer’s Workshop. (March 22, 2013).

TESOL 2012 (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages): A Declaration of Excellence, Philadelphia, PA, March 28-31, 2012.

Roe, C., & Wink, J. (2012). Scaffolding: What, Why, How. (March 31, 2012).

Abydos Learning International. (2012, March 22, Invited Opening Keynote). Critical Pedagogy.

TESOL 2010 (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages): The Boston TESOL Party.

Wink, J. (2010, March 24, Opening Keynote for Dream Day). Expertise, Energy, and Excellence: What’s Love Got To Do With It? (Keynote repeated on March 27.)Wink, J. (2010, March 26, Invited speaker for Academic Session of BEIS/TEDS Interest Sections). Advocacy and Activism: Find Your Own Voice First.

Putney, L., & Wink, J. (2010, March 27). Reimagining Vygotsky, Dewey, and Freire for English Language Learning.

Abydos Learning International. (2010, March 4, Invited Opening Keynote). Who Was Vygotsky, and Why Do We Care? Houston TX.

TESOL 2009 (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages): Uncharted Mountains, Forging New Pathways, Denver CO, March 25-29, 2009.

Teemant, A., Upton, T., Pocock, A., Conner, U., Giraldo, N.,& Wink, J. (March 26, 2009).  Do we really prepare ESL Specialists for K-12 classroom. TESOL Annual Conference 2009.

TESOL 2008 (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages): Imagining a Multilingual TESOL, New York, New York, April 2-5, 2008.

Wink, J. (2008, April 4). What the “other” taught me about bilingual basics for the Academic Session for Bilingual Education Interest Section. Imagining Multilingual TESOL, with Jim Cummins, Tove Skuttnabb-Kangas, Robert Phillipson, Rita Silver, David Schwarzer, Shelley Taylor. Joshua Fishman, & Ofelia Garcia.

Invited TESOL Quarterly publication to follow, May 2008.

TESOL 2004 (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages): Soaring Far, Catching Dreams, Long Beach, California, March 31 – April 3, 2004.

Wink, J., & Putney, L. (April 3, 2004). Visually Triangulating Vygotsky, Dewey, and Freire.

TESOL 2002 (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages): Language of the Human Spirit, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 9-13, 2002.

Wink, J., & Putney, L. (2002). (April 11, 2002). Visually Vygotsky.

Wink, J., & Wink, D. (March 2000). The Closet Author. Discussion Session.

TESOL 2000 (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages): Navigating the New Millennium, Vancouver, BC Canada, March 14-18, 2000. Past-chair of BE (Bilingual Education) in ESL interest section.

Wink, J., Cummins, J., Freeman, D., Freeman, Y., McQuillan, J. & Tse, L. (2000). Freedom to teach and learn bilingually.

Wink, J., Cummins, J., Freeman, D., Freeman, Y., McQuillan, J., and Tse, L. (March 2000). Academic Session. Invited presentation.

Wink, J., Steinberg, S., Green, C. (March 2000). Fear and Learning at Hoover Elementary. Invited presentation.

Wink, J. (March 17, 2000). Literacy Strategies for English Language Learners. Refereed proposal presentation.

TESOL 1999: Avenues to Success, New York, New York, March 1999. Chair of BE (Bilingual Education) in ESL Interest Section. Responsible for all coordination, articulation, proposals, and processes of the interest section (500 paying members).

Wink, J. (March 1999). Political Literacy: Our Greatest Challenge.

Wink, J., Cummins, V., Shin, F., Murray, D., Goodman, K. and Goodman, Y. (March 12, 1999). Linking All Language Educators. Academic session.

Wink, J., Alatis, J., & Zelasko, N. (March 1999). Let the Dialogue Begin: Bilingual Education and ESL.

TESOL 1998: Connecting our Global Community, Seattle, Washington, March 17-21 1998

Wink, J. (March 17-21, 1998). Partners Across Languages (PAL). Presented the goals of PAL for consortium of University of Arizona and Pima Community College.

Wink, J. (March 17-21, 1998). Connecting Communities through Critical Pedagogy.

Wink, J. Cummins, J., Ada, A.F., and Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (March 17-21, 1998). Honoring the Life and Legacy of Paulo Freire.

TESOL 1995: Long Beach, California, March 28 – April 1, 1995

Wink, J. & Taylor, S. (March 31, 1995). The Critical Pedagogy Challenge: Altering Mindsets which Stigmatize Children.

Wink, J., Faltis, C., & Schlessman, A. (March 31, 1995). Critically Reflecting on ESL within Bilingual Education.

TESOL 1992: Vancouver, BC Canada

Wink, J. (1992). Critical Pedagogy and Bilingual Education.


Wink, J. (February 15, 2015). The Ebb and Flow of the Big Ideas of Pedagogy: How These Big Ideas Can Give Voice to the Silenced, Association of Teacher Educators (ATE), Phoenix, AZ, February 13-16, 2015. Distinguished Educator Speaker invited keynote presentation. Fireside Chat- Interactive Dialogue following presentation.

Wink, J. (2014, October 8). The Courage to Share My Pedagogical Principles, invited presentation. ND DPI Tittle 1 / Dakota TESL Conference. Hotel Alex Johnson, Bismark, ND.

Wink, J. (2014, October 2). The Power of Pedagogical Principles, invited keynote. Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association. Historic Hotel Alex Johnson, Rapid City, South Dakota.

Wienk, R., & Wink, J. (February 10, 2014). Academic Literacy through Literature. Educational Research Qualitative Conference, University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), Las Vegas, NV.

Wink, J. (October 19, 2013). Invited Keynote, Oh, the Possibilities of ESL, Colorado Adult Education Professional Association (CAEPA), Colorado Springs, CO.

Wink, J. (October 19, 2013). Expanding on the Classroom Practices: An Interactive Workshop. Adult Education Professional Association (CAEPA), Colorado Springs, CO.

Wink, J. (July 3, 2013). Invited all-day session. The Bilingual Basics: Our Best Bet. US DOE Professional Development Grant Project. The College of New Jersey, Ewing, New Jersey.

Putney, L., Wink, J, & Broughton, S. (2012). Collectively transformative pedagogy: Igniting the dream through mentoring. National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), November 17, 2012, Las Vegas, NV. (Session Code: J.31. Saturday, 11/17/2012, 2:45 to 4:00 p.m., Room 204, Level Two, MGM Grand Resort & Casino.)

Wink, J. (2012, November 19). Critical Pedagogy.  EPY 757 Theory and Philosophy of Educational Psychology, taught by Dr. Fred Kuch, College of Educational Psychology and Higher Education of University of Nevada Las Vegas, UNLV.

Wink, J. (2012). Scaffolding: The Path to College and Careers. Great Valley Writing Project (GVWP) of National Writing Project, California State University, September 22, 2012, Stanislaus, Turlock, CA.

Wink, J. (2012). Critical Pedagogy: Notes from the Real World. Santa Fé Community College, March 8, 2012, Santa Fé, NM.

Wink, J. (2012). Keynote: Critical Pedagogy: Through Words and Images.  Abydos Learning International, March 23, 2012, Dallas TX.

Wink, J. (2012). Interactive Workshop: Critical Pedagogy: How-To. Abydos Learning International, March 23, 2012, Dallas, TX.

Wink, J. (2012). Bilingual Basics. National Association of Bilingual Education.

Wink, J. (2011, April 15, Invited Keynote). The 3 R’s: Relationships, Relationships, Relationships. 2011 Minnesota ESL, Bilingual, and Migrant Education. St. Paul. Minnesota

Wink, J. (2011, April 6, Invited Keynote). Cultural Diversity. Merced County Head Start, New Community Center, Los Baños, CA

Wink, J. (2011, March 26, Invited Panel Member). Lacey and The Library: How One Classroom Activity Changed to Advocacy. Other panel members include  Steve Krashen, Debbie East, Priscilla Gutiérrez, Sheryl Santos, Josie Tinajero, Concepción Valadez, and Pauline Gow. BEEMS (Bilingual Educators Emphasizing and Mastering Standards) 18th Annual Conference, the University of Texas El Paso.

Wink, J. (2011, March 26).  Advocacy. BEEMS (Bilingual Educators Emphasizing and Mastering Standards) 18th Annual Conference, the University of Texas, El Paso.

Wink, J. (2010, October 15 Invited Keynote). Blueprint(S)! Wisconsin Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages WITESOL, Wisconsin

Wink, J. (2010, September 20-23). WIDA Assessment and We Teachers of WY. Campbell County School District, Gillette, WY

Towell, J., & Wink, J. (2010, November 4-7). Teaching with Heart: Literacy Strategies for Living and Learning. Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers (ALER), Omaha, NB.

Wink, J. (May 3, 2010, Invited Keynote). The Reflective Cycle: An Overview. Research Project Data Fair. Clark County School District, Las Vegas, NV.

Wink, J. (2010, April 6-7). Engaging ELLs. Campbell County School District, Gillette, WY.

Wink, J. (2009, December 1-4). Strategies for Engaging Ells in the Mainstream Classroom. Campbell County School District, Gillette, WY.

Wink, J. (November 7, 2009, Invited Keynote). Critical Pedagogy and Critical Literacies. ALER, Association of Literacy and Education Researchers (formerly, CRA College Reading Association). Building Literacy Communities, Charlotte, North Carolina.

Wink, J. (2008, June 11 & 12).  What can English-dominant teachers do in a multilingual context? Cross Cultural Institute, Clark County School District, Las Vegas, NV.

Towell, J., & Wink, J. (July 17-20, 2008).  Living and learning: Holistic Practices in multilingual classrooms. Whole Language Umbrella, Tucson AZ, Literacies for All Summer Institute, July 17-20, 2008.

Wink, J., & Towell, J. (2006, March 4). The works of Woodson and Morales: Art and Action. Annual Conference on Literature and Literacy for Children and Adolescents, University of Arizona.

Wink, J. (October 20-22, 2005).  Critical Pedagogy: One Way of Opening Borders.  Western Humanities Alliance, Tucson, AZ.

Wink, J. (September 15-16, 2005).  Teaching Passionately: What’s Love Got To Do with It? Washington State University.

Wink, J. (June 17 & 18, 2005). Critical Pedagogy: What’s Love Got To Do With It? MidSouth Reading and Writing Institute, University of Alabama, Birmingham.

Wink, J., & Wink, D. (October 10, 2004).  Teaching Passionately and Spiritually. ChildSpirit: The North American Conference on the Spirituality of Children and Youth. Asilomar, CA.

Wink, J. (2003-2004). Advisory Board Member for, an electronic interactive library and newsletter for families and teachers, Austin, Texas.

Wink, J. (August 18, 19, & 20, 2004).  Professional Development.  Pine Ridge Reservations, South Dakota.  Keynote address and follow-up sessions with the participants.

Wink, J., & Wink, D. (August 9, 2004). Passionate Pedagogy or Poisonous Pedagogy? That Is the Question.  Dripping Springs School District, TX.

Wink, J. (June 11, 2004). Critical Pedagogy and School Leadership. University of North Carolina at Pembroke. Keynote and follow-up sessions with the participants.

Wink, J., Putney, L., Clockow, J., Grace, E., & Malin, C. (November 21, 2003). Mentoring Partnerships in Learning: Examining Democratic Literacy Practices as a Form of Mentoring. National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), San Francisco, CA.

Wink, J. & Wink, D. (September 21, 2002). Passionate Pedagogy; The Place of Love in Learning. TAWL, Tucson, AZ.

Wink, J. (February 27, 2002). Second Language Acquisition Methods presentation for district administrators, followed by the same presentation for McLoughlin Middle School teachers.  Medford School District 549C, Medford, OR.

Wink, J.  (Dec 4, 2001)  Second Language Acquisition Theory presentation for district administrators, followed by the same presentation for McLoughlin Middle School teachers.  Medford School District 549C,  Medford, OR.

Gallavan, N., Putney, L., & Wink, J.  (November 7, 2001). Finding Strength to Fight Hate and Overcome Resistance to Cultural Competency National Association of Multicultural Education (NAME) Annual Conference.  Last Vegas, NV.

Gallavan, N., Putney, L. & Wink, J. (August 8, 2001).  Developing cultural competency to enhance success for every teacher and learner.  Association of Teacher Education (ATE), “The Best for All Our Children Conference.” Portland, OR.

Wink, J. (August 6-7, 2001). Educational leadership in diverse communities. Featured speaker, Oregon Summer Bilingual Institute (OSBI), Woodburn, OR.

Wink, J. (February 22, 2001). Mamas, meaning, motivation and mentoring: Our mutual interests. National Association of Teacher Educators Deaf/Hearing Impaired Teachers, San Diego,  CA.

Mora, J., Wink, J. & Wink, D. (February 24, 2001).   Dueling models of dual language instruction. National Association of Bilingual Education (NABE), Phoenix, AZ.

Wink, J. & Doorn, D. (2000). What can English-dominant teachers do in a multilingual context?  National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), Milwaukee, WI.

Wink, J. (2000). Dual language immersion and evaluation of language proficiency. Davis Bilingual Magnet, Tucson, AZ.

Wink, J.  (February 15-19, 2000).  Out with Freire.  In with Phonemes. NABE (National Association of Bilingual Education) Conference.  San Antonio, TX.

Wink, J.  (April 17, 1998).  Witnessing to the Legacy of Paulo Freire.  American Educational Research Association (AERA).  I was one of a team of witnesses, including Maxine Green and Peter McLaren for the sessions entitled:  Honoring the Legacy of Paulo Freire.

Wink, J. & Peña, F.  (February 7, 1997).  The Power of Big Books.  NABE ’97, National Association of Bilingual Education, Albuquerque, New Mexico.


Wink, J. (2015, November 11).  Book Talk: Buffalo for the Broken Heart. Invited Scholar for South Dakota Humanities Council, Faith Public Library.

Wink, J. (2013, September 9). An Overview of “The Long-Shining Waters,” by Daniela Sosin for One Book South Dakota. Faith Public Library, South Dakota. Angela Ostrander, Coordinator for Faith Public Library & Joan Wink, Book Discussion Leader with Susanne Bendigo, Kerry Frei, Kelly Fees, Missy Urbaniak, & Jodi Shaw.

Wink, J., and English as a New Language (ENL) Cohort Teachers. What is the ENL endorsement program? Technology Innovation in Education (TIE) Annual Conference, Rapid City, South Dakota, April 22 & 33.

Wink, J. (2011, May 9). Presentation on Critical Pedagogy: Notes from The Real World.  Oglala Lakota College, Kyle, SD

Wink, J. (2011, March 16).  Presentation on Critical Pedagogy: Notes from The Real World. Oglala Lakota College, Eagle Butte, SD

Wink, J. (May 14, 2009). The role of libraries in literacy development.  Sturgis Public Library, South Dakota.

Wink, J. (2008-present; next scheduled May 11, 12, 13, 2009). A series of classroom observations for Campbell County School District, Gillette, WY.

Wink, J. (March 12, 2008).  Reading, Writing, and Research: Confessions of an Eduholic. Faculty Forum, Faculty Development Center.

Wink, J. (August, 16 & 17, 2007). From the reservation: Responding to KAPPAN. Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.

Wink, J. (February 26, 2005).  The Spiral of Literacy: What’s Love Got To Do With It? Freemont Elementary School, Stanislaus Reading Council, in conjunction with the Mother Lode Council, San Joaquin Council, and Merced Council.  Modesto, CA.

Wink, J. (February 8, 2005). English Learner Leadership Academy (ELLA). San Joaquin County Office of Education.

Wink, J. (November 16, 2004). Bilingual Basics. Shakelford Elementary, Modesto, CA.

Wink, J., & Peña, F. (October 16, 2004). Enhancing Students Love for Reading and Writing. California Association of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (CATESOL), Stanislaus County Office of Education, Modesto, CA.

Wink, J. (March 12, 2004). Language, Literacy, Learning, and Love. PIME Programs in International and Multicultural Education, Atwater School District.

Wink, J. (March 8, 2004). Panel discussion with Kenji Hakuta, Claudia Lockwood, Director of Multilingual Education and Kristi Rapinchuk, Coordinator of Categorical Programs of Oakdale School District.

Wink, J., & Wink, D. (March 6, 2004).  Powerful Conversations about Love, Life, and Learning. California Association of Bilingual Education (CABE), San Jose, CA.

Wink, J., Putney, L., & Wink, D. (March 5, 2004).  Dual Language Programs in Action. A panel discussion with Linda Alaniz, Arturo C. Durán, Laura Cardenas, Maria Torres-Perez, Stella Montanez, Denise Beck, and Nadine Pinkerton. California Association of Bilingual Education (CABE), San Jose, CA.

Wink, J., Putney, L., & Wink, D. (March 5, 2004). Teachers as Language Mentors: Examining Language Potentials Through the Work of Vygotsky and Freire. California Association of Bilingual Education (CABE), San Jose, CA.

Wink, J. (2004-2005, continuing from previous years): English Language Learners Academy (ELLA).  Liaison for CSU Stanislaus with San Joaquin County Office of Education. My role is as the keynote speaker at the beginning and end of the academic year for various groups of teachers from the Central Valley of California.

California Reading Association (CRA): Literacy Brings the World to You.

Sacramento, California,  (November 7-9, 2002).

November 7, 2002. Paterson S., Pena F., & Wink, J.  From Visual Arts to Literacy Histories.

November 8, 2002.  DeVoogd, G., Pearson D., Vogt M.,  & Wink, J. Critical Literacy Panel Presentation.

Wink, J. , Mora, J. (Convener).  (February 1, 2002). CABE Conference Institute on Teacher Credentialing; a day-long institute with CSU colleagues.  My responsibilities will include focusing on various models for redesigning models for the CLAD/BCLAD Programs.

Wink, J. (March 3, 2001).  Keynote address for ProjectVoice of Fresno Pacific University Bilingual Teacher Training Program, Fresno, CA.

Wink, J. (February 16, 2001). Tulare School District, both high schools.  All day consultation with administrators and high school teachers to analyze their reading/writing programs and scores

2000 to 2004:  Multidistrict Trainer of Trainers Institutes (MTTI).  Liaison for CSU Stanislaus with San Joaquin County Office of Education.

Wink, J. (April 1, 2004). What Does Love Have To Do With It? Multidistrict Trainer of Trainers Institute (MTTI). San Joaquin County Office of Education, Stockton, CA.

Wink, J. (December 11, 2003). Teaching Passionately: What’s Love Got To Do With It? Multidistrict Trainer of Trainers Institutes (MTTI), San Joaquin County Office of Education.

Wink, J. (March 9, 2002). What is the Place of Love in Learning? Multidistrict Trainer of Trainers Institutes (MTTI), San Joaquin County Office of Education.

Wink, J. (March 16, 2002). A Vision of Vygotsky. Multidistrict Trainer of Trainers Institutes (MTTI), San Joaquin County Office of Education.

Wink, J. (February 8, 2001). The Best of Our Stories. Multidistrict Trainer of Trainers Institutes (MTTI), San Joaquin County Office of Education.

Wink, J. (September 5, 2001).  The Power of the Narrative. Multidistrict Trainer of Trainers Institutes (MTTI), San Joaquin County Office of Education.

2000 to 2001. English Language Institutes (ELL).  Liaison for CSU Stanislaus with San Joaquin County Office of Education.  Multiple all-day inservices with teachers from Central Valley and North California.

Wink, J. (October 27, 2001). Critical Pedagogy: Notes from the Real World. ELL, San Joaquin County Office of Education, Stockton.

Wink, J. (October 20, 2001). Critical Pedagogy: Notes from the Real World. San Joaquin County Office of Education, Stockton.

Wink, J. (September 22, 2001). Critical Pedagogy: Notes from the Real World. CSU Stanislaus and area schools.

Wink, J. (September 15, 2001). A Vision of Vygotsky. Stockton, San Joaquin County Office of Education.

Wink, J. (September 9, 2001). A Vision of Vygotsky. William Land Elementary Schools, Sacramento.

Wink, J. (May 19, 2001). What’s Love Got To Do With It? South Tahoe area schools, sponsored by SJCOE/CSUS.

Wink, J. (May 12, 2001). What’s Love got To Do With It? Yolo County, Davis/Woodland Schools, sponsored by SJCOE.

Wink, J. (May 5, 2001). Pedagogy: Theory and Practice. Stockton, San Joaquin County Office of Education.

Wink, J. (April 28, 2001). Pedagogy: Theory and Practice. Stockton, San Joaquin County Office of Education.

Wink, J. (March 9, 2000). CSU Stanislaus and area schools.

Dissertation Committees

Member of dissertation committee for Earl Russell of Trident University; title of dissertation: Analysis of Factors that Affect Military Occupational Specialty Test Scores on Ordnance Soldiers. 2012, January, in process. Dr. Jennifer Keeley, chair.

Member of dissertation committee for Je Kan Adler-Collins of University of Bath; title of dissertation: Developing an Inclusional Pedagogy of The Unique: How Do I clarify, Live, and Explain My Educational Influences in My Learning As I Pedagogise My Healing Nurse Curriculum in a Japanese University. January 2008, successfully defended.

Respondent on dissertation committee for Carol Anderson; subject of dissertation, Developing an expert model of Academic Language using a Delphi process. University of La Verne, CA. Spring, 2008, in process. Dr. Larry Machi, chair.

Member of dissertation committee for Heather O’Hearn of Capella University; subject of dissertation: Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory and his Adaptability Learning Style inventory and the ex post facto design to see if there is a relationship between teachers’ adaptive flexibility score and students’ standardized tests score results. Graduation: June 2005.

Member of dissertation committee for Sharon Van Loben Sels of Capella University; subject of thesis: the effects of Prop 227 and its implications for oppression of minority language students. Graduated:  August 2002.

Completed MA Committees

Chair of Committee: Gill, T. (2006, Summer). Engagement and Literacy in Reluctant Secondary Learners.

Member of Committee: Machado, L. (2006, Summer). Reading-Aloud in the Multiculturally Diverse Middle School Classroom.

Member of Committee: Baker, B. (2006, Spring). Optimizing the Effectiveness of Literature Circles: An After-school Reading Club Intervention Model.

Member of Committee: Murray, S. (2006, Spring). Learning the Writing Process through Writer’s Workshop.

Member of Committee: Klein, S. (2006, Spring). A Survey of the Relationship between Perceptions of Probationary Elementary School Teachers and Administrators on Teacher Preparation.

Chair of Committee: Medeiros, K. (2006, Spring). Reading Fluency and Its Impact on Reading Comprehension in Intermediate Level Second Language Learners of Elementary School age.

Chair of Committee: Hamann, M. (2006, Spring). The Rationale and Relevance for Foreign Language Education.

Chair of Committee: Price, S. (2006, Spring). The Connections Between Brain Gym and Students’ Achievement.

Chair of Committee: McClymont, K. (2006, Spring). Open a Book, Open a Classroom, Open a Mind: An Exploration of Multicultural Literature in Secondary Schools.

Chair of Committee: Figueiredo, C. (2005, Spring). An Exploration of Socratic Dialogues in the Secondary English Learner Science Classroom.

Member of Committee: Ferguson, B. (2006, Spring). The Effectiveness of a Dresscode on Students’ Behavior at a Middle School.

Member of Committee: Leticia Hurtado. (2006, Spring). Latino Families and Homework to Validate the Orate Tradition.

Member of Committee: Sherri Webb (2005, Spring). Guided Conversational Dialogue.

Member of Committee: Lisa MacKenzie. (2005, Fall). A Handbook for Second Grade Teachers to Aid with Comprehension Strategies.

Member of Committee: Robyn Kvale. (2005, Spring). Comprehensive Strategies for Primary Struggling Readers.

Member of Committee: Susan Keehr. (2005, Spring). Interactive Word Walls.

Member of Committee: Rosie Ramos. (2005, Spring). A Critique of Reading Fluency Measures in a Dual Language Immersion Classroom.

Chair of Committee: Kari Nelson. (2005, Spring). The Effects of Gender on Learning and Second language acquisition.

Chair of Committee: Angelica Ozuna. (2005, Spring). Family Involvement with Latino Families and Literacy.

Member of Committee: Francisco Romo. (2005, Spring) Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE) and Word Processing: The Achievement and Attitudinal Effects on the Writing Composition Processes of Second Language Acquisition Students.

Chair of Committee: Vicky Murphy. (2004, Summer). A Site-based Staff Development Model for K-3 Teachers.

Chair of Committee: Dee Hawksworth-Lutzow: (2004, Summer). What Middle School Boys Like to Read with Suggestions for Appropriate Instructional Strategies.

Chair of Committee: Chyllis Sauress. (2004, Summer). Athletes or Non-athletes: Does Athletic Participation Influence Student Academic Achievement?

Chair of Committee: Andrea Katotakis. (2004, Spring). The Effects of Homework.

Chair of Committee: Pam Warner Franklin. (Spring, 2004). Homeschooling: An Alternative to Traditional Classroom Education. 

Member of Committee: Lillaana Camille Fortier. (2004, Spring). The Dynamics of Educational Discourse in African-American Families: A Participatory Research Study in San Joaquin County.

Member of Committee: Michelle McCabe. (2003, Fall). An Examination of the Effect of Class Size on the Achievement of Students at the Second Grade Level.

Member of Committee: Lang Patt: Title of Thesis: The Effects of Student Attitude, Parent Background, and Generation Status on Academic Achievement. Expected graduation: Summer 2004.

Chair of Committee: Alicia Manzo. Title of Thesis:  Factors that Influence the Academic Achievement of Mexican/Mexican American Migrant Students Sally Casanova Award Winner; I am the faculty sponsor for this project. Graduated: Fall 2003.

Member of Committee: Amy Valladao. Subject of thesis: An Examination of Parents’ comfort Levels Toward Reading and Writing with Their Pre-Kindergarten Children Based on Early Literacy Intervention. Graduated, Spring 2004.

Member of Committee:  Kay Anderson: Title of Thesis: Making informational Text comprehensible for Struggling Readers in the Intermediate Grades. Graduation: Spring 2004.

Member of Committee: Elizabeth teVelde: Title of Thesis: The Benefits of Readers’ Theater: Graduation: Spring 2004.

Member of committee: April Befumo: Title of thesis: The effects of the Literature Connection Program on reading achievements for grades 2nd through 6th. Graduation: Fall 2003.

Chair of Committee: Chao Lee: Title of thesis:  Academic Achievement of First Generation Hmong Women Refugees A Descriptive Study of Southeast Asian students who have become teachers in California. Graduation:  August 2002.

Chair of Committee: Pat Graham: Title of thesis:  Teachers’ Philosophies of Education:  A Reflective Guide. Graduation: August 2002.

Member of committee: Heather Hurst: Title of thesis:  Initial and long-term effects on reading achievement for Reading Recovery students.  Graduated: May 2002.

Chair of Committee, Undergraduate Seniors’ Honors Project: Tiffany Perrone: Title of thesis:  Life Literacy Model of Education: The Possibilities of a Cross-disciplinary Elementary Education. Graduated:  May 2002.

Member of Committee: Sara Valentine: Title of Thesis: Title of thesis The Effects of Reading Naturally with 4th, 5th and 6th grade students in a reading lab; graduated Spring 2003.

Chair of Committee: Lyn Brock: Title of Thesis: Effect of supplemental instruction on academic performance of community college students; graduated Spring 2003.

Member of Committee: Guillermo Jimenez Jr.: Title of Thesis:  The Effects of Grade Retention on Students’ SAT 9 Scores: of students in grade Second through Sixth; graduated Spring 2003.

Member of Committee: Amelia Jimenez: Title of thesis: The difference in reading scores for those students participating in Success for All (SFA) and those student not participating in the SFA reading program; graduated Spring 2003.

Member of Committee: Jill Norman: Title of thesis: The effects of phonemic awareness and phonics on first graders; graduated Spring 2003.

Member of Committee: Lisa Hoover: Title of thesis: The effect of word processing on students’ writing; graduated Spring 2003.

Member of Committee: Pam Collingsworth, Title of thesis: The Effect of the EACH ONE REACH ONE Intervention Program on Middle School Student Attendance, Behavior, and Academic Performance; graduated Spring 2000.

Chair of Committee: Donna Endsley. (2000, Summer). A Question of Understanding: Theoretical

Literacy Constructs of Whole Language Teachers in California’s Primary Classrooms; Graduated August 2000.

Chair of Committee: Chris Kerfoot. (1999, Fall). The Effects of First Language Knowledge in Working with Second Language Students.

Member of Committee:  Jan Gohn:  Subject of thesis: the socialization of Mexican American adolescent girls by European American female teachers; graduated, August 1999.

Chair of Committee:  Meg Bozarth; community building; graduated, Spring 1999.

Chair of Committee:  Cathi Lopez:  Subject of thesis:  creating family literacy in a bilingual community; graduated, Spring 1999.

Member of Committee: Marilee Milican:  communicative strategies within           secondary foreign language classes; graduated, Winter 1998.

Member of Committee:  Iris Haapenan:  a comparison of bilingual methods in elementary schools in the central valley; graduated, Winter 1997.  Iris is now an assistant professor at CSU Stanislaus.

Member of Committee for Manuel Correia.  Subject of project:  Language loss in the Portuguese-American community; graduated, Winter 1997. M. Correia is now in the doctoral programs UC Berkeley.

Member for David H. Yeakle.  Subject of thesis:  Understanding cooperative learners: profiles of elementary students who succeed in interactive settings; graduated, Spring 1997.

Member of Committee:  Maria Almanzo:  Subject of thesis:  a sociolinguistic exploration on the language of mediation among bilingual students in a wholelingual multi-age classroom setting; expected graduation, Spring 1996. María is a now full-time doctoral student at UC Berkeley.

Chair of Committee for Cindy Bender.  Subject of thesis:  the effectiveness of multicultural teacher education programs in the state of California; graduated, Fall 1996.

Chair of Committee for Valerie Dougherty.  Subject of thesis: extending the curriculum for all students within a multi-age context; graduated, Fall 1996.

Chair of Master’s Committee for Heidi Mendes.  Subject of thesis: emergent literacy in primary age children; graduation, Spring, 1996.

Chair of Committee for Theresa A. Heffernan.  Subject of thesis: a defensible argument for written literacy in primary grade students to emerge in natural and holistic environment: a case study; graduated Spring 1996.

Committee Member for Sue Thompson.  Subject of thesis: the relationship between early language status classification and the academic success of second language learners; graduation, Spring 1996.

Chair of Master’s Committee Marty Fauria. Subject of thesis: variables within effective inservicing; graduation, Fall 1995.

Chair of Master’s Committee for Robert Mireles.  Subject of thesis:  teacher practices and parental involvement which support language minority childrens’ success in elementary schools; graduation, Spring 1996.

Member of Committee for Juan Vazquez.  Subject of thesis:  Analysis of awareness by Hispanic parents of middle school students of goals 2000; graduation, Spring, 1996.

Chair of Committee for Irma Bravo-Lawrence.  Subject of thesis: application of Vygotskian concepts to educational programs for linguistically diverse parents; graduation, Spring 1996.

Chair of Committee for Bev Souza.  Subject of thesis: second language acquisition staff development; graduation, Spring 1995.

Chair of Committee for Doris Moore.  Subject of thesis: a collaborative model for affective, cognitive, and language development for second language students; graduation, Spring 1995.

Member of Committee for Rita Pryor.  Subject of thesis: sheltered within the secondary bilingual program; graduation, Spring 1995.

Chair of Committee for Richard Holgate.  Subject of thesis: a case study of secondary bilingual student who speech is emerging; graduation, Spring 1996.

Chair of Master’s Committee Yira Gonzalez. Subject of thesis: multi-age classrooms; graduation, Fall 1996.

Committee Member for JoDee Albritton.  Subject of thesis: relationship between children’s literature and math; graduated, Spring 1994.

Chair of Master’s Committee for Rosalie Reberg.  Subject of thesis: journal writing; graduated, Spring 1994.

Chair of Master’s Committee for Sharon Whitehead.  Subject of thesis:  the effectiveness of state-mandated language dominance tests on bilingual and English-only students; graduated, Spring 1994.  Sharon is now working on the dissertation for her Ph. D.

Member of Committee for Debbie Russell.  Subject of thesis: elementary          children’s depression; graduated, Spring, 1994.

Member of Committee for Lois Hanlin Campbell.  Subject of thesis:  feelings vocabulary in a Spanish/English bilingual second grade class; graduated, Spring 1994.

Chair of Committee for Craig Hughes. Subject of thesis:  interactive journal writing; graduated

Spring 1993. Craig is now an assistant professor at Washington State University.

Chair of Committee for LeAnn Putney.  Subject of thesis: use of sheltered strategies with social studies; graduated Spring 1993. LeAnn is now an assistant professor at University of Las Vegas.

Committee member for Maureen Webster.  Subject of thesis:  use of sheltered language strategies with English-dominant students and with students who are dominant in other languages; graduated Spring 1993.

Committee member for Chriss Elberg during exit orals of the Reading Specialist Credential:  Spring 1992.

Committee member for Janice Jones during exit orals of the Reading Specialist Credential:  Spring 1992.


The Institute of Language and Education Policy, Founding Member
PKP The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, Lifetime member
TESOL, Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages
Bilingual Education Interest Section, Historian/Secretary 2009-10
Chair, Chair-elect, 1998-2000

AERA American Educational Research Association
ASCD American Society of Curriculum and Development
NCTE National Council of Teacher of English
CVDLC Central Valley Dual Language Consortium


2007 to present     Black Hills State University College of Education Advisory Committee

2005 to present     Riverbank Dual Language Academy advisory council. Riverbank School District. Rosie Ramos/charter school board

2008 to 2009         Riverbank Language Academy, First-Year Written Evaluation. Observations conducted Spring 2008; document delivered Summer 2008.

2006-2007             RPT Liberal Studies

2005-2007             Teacher Quality and Recruitment Grant, CSU Primary Investigator (PI)

California State University, Stanislaus has partnered with Modesto City Schools and UC Berkeley as recipient of a $3.3 million grant to recruit, develop, and retain teachers at “high-needs” schools. The grant from the United States Department of Education will allow CSU Stanislaus to update teacher preparation programs at every stage and to model, teach and support culturally responsive instructional methods as developed by the Center for Research on Education, Diversity & Excellence (CREDE) at UC Berkeley. The grant will involve 75 teachers who instruct students from multi-cultural or English-as-a-second language backgrounds. They will learn to use CREDE’s instructional model for diverse students. Heavy emphasis will be placed on academic and language development skills through use of interactive instructional methods.

CSU Stanislaus faculty will also help teacher education students at the undergraduate and teacher credential graduate levels turn CREDE’s instructional model into practical and effective instructional curriculum. A number of Modesto City Schools teachers will also receive CREDE coach training and eventually serve as mentors at their campuses to help other teachers develop similar curriculum.

[This description is taken from the press release, which was released by CSU Stanislaus.]

2004-2005             Faculty Voices

Spring 2005           RPT Committee Member, Department of Physical Education

Spring 2005         Phi Kappa Phi Literacy Grant with Abundant Books for Children (ABC). The purpose of the project is to create a family involvement component of the ABC grant, which is aligned with CSU Stanislaus. (Submitted 1.2005 – not funded)

Fall 2004-07           Grant: Key Leadership Team Member for Reading Institute for Academic Preparation (RIAP) with Great Valley Writing Project (GVWP). The purpose is to provide teachers instruction, which will help eliminate the need for remedial English courses at CSUS. The grant is a critical reading and analytical writing institute for 25 junior and senior teachers to support college-bound students passage of English Placement Tests.

Fall 2004                Presidential Committee on Diversity, CSU Stanislaus

Fall 2004                Chair of LIBS RPT Committee, College of Arts, Letters, and Sciences, CSU Stanislaus

Spring 2004           CSU Search Committee for Equipment Technician II

Fall 2003                Faculty Development Use Committee

Fall 2003                Focus Group to review Global Learning initiatives for CSU Stanislaus

Fall 2003                Mary Stuart Rogers Faculty Development Use Committee

2001-2002             Co-chair of University Retention, Promotion, and Tenure (URPT) committee

2000-present         University Retention, Promotion, and Tenure (URPT) committee

2001-Present         Mentor for Alicia Manzo, Sally Casanova CSU pre-doctoral Student

2000-Present         Peer Mentor Program, CSU Faculty Development Center.  Mentor for Dr. Rosanne Roy of Psychology Department (AY 2000-2001) and Dr. Stephanie Paterson (AY 2001-2001)

3-12-2003              13th Annual Campus Student Research Competition

11-23-2001            NCATE Accreditation Visit; responsible for program documents and processes for MA Curriculum and Instruction

2000-Present         College of Education Alternate, Awards Committee; Scholarship Committee

2001-Present         Immediate Past President of California Professors of Reading/Language Arts. Responsible for creating the slate of candidates for next election

2000-2001             President of California Professors of Reading/Language Arts

2000-2001             Grayson Elementary School Reading/Language Arts Committee

1998-Present         Demergasso Graduate Scholarship Committee


Academic Year
ED 492/592 – Language Arts in the English as a New Language Classroom
Fall 2015 (Special Topics)
ED 492/592 – Curriculum and Instruction, Spring 2017, BHSU
Academic Year
ED 692 Fall 2014, Curriculum and Instruction, BHSU
ED 692-B800, Spring 2015, Assessment, BHSU
Academic Year
ED 692-B800, Spring 2014, Assessment, BHSU
ED 692 Fall 2013, Curriculum and Instruction, BHSU

Mallorca, Global Education Program of The College of New Jersey (TCNJ)

Academic Year
Summer 1995 to 2016


Academic Year
EDMS 4100 Foundations of Education in a Diverse Society (2 sections)
EDEL 9046 Critical Pedagogy
Academic Year
EDMS 4100 Foundations of Education in a Diverse Society (2 sections)
Online hybrid: Blackboard, Elluminate, Face-to-Face
Academic Year
EDMS 4100 Foundations of Education in a Diverse Society (3 sections)
EDGS 5500 Foundations of Education (Master’s Level
Online hybrid: Blackboard, Elluminate, Face-to-Face
Academic Year
EDMS 4150 Methods of Multilingual Education (4 sections)
Rosalie Carlberg, MA Committee Member
Academic Year
EDMS 4150 Methods in Multilingual Education (4 sections)
EDMS 4100 Foundations of Education in a Diverse Society
HONS 4990 Honors Thesis (2 sections)
EDML 5000 Multilingual Education in the Content Area (2 sections)
Academic Year
EDMS Foundations of Education in a Diverse Society
HONS 4990 Honors Thesis
Spring 2006 Graduate Thesis/Project Students Listed by Name
EDUC 5960 Project: Sarah Price
EDUC 7005 Theresa Gill, Lorena Valencia, Stella Montanez Karalee McClymott, Kim Medeiros, Michelle Hamann
EDUC 5980 Independent Study: Sarah Klein, Julie Haynes
Fall 2006
EDMS 4100 Foundations of Education in a Diverse Society
EDUC 5990 Thesis: Karalee McClymott, Kim Medeiros
EDUC 5960 Project: Sarah Price
EDUC 7005 Theresa Gill, Lorena Valencia, Stella Montanez
EDUC 5980 Independent Study: Sarah Klein
Spring 2005
EDUC 5990 Thesis: Karalee McClymott, Corrina Kim Medeiros, Karie Nelson
EDUC 5960 Project: Michelle Hamann, Theresa Gill, Mari Gutierrez, Lorena Valencia,
Stella Montanez
EDUC 7005 Mari Gutierrez
EDMS 4100 Foundations of Education in a Diverse Society
EDML 5400 Theory of Multilingual Education
LIBS 1000 Liberal Studies: Beginning Field Experience
Fall 2005
EDUC 5990 Thesis: Karalee McClymott, Michaela Hamann
EDUC 5960 Project: Theresa Gill
Fall 2004
EDUC 5001 Theory of Multilingual Education
IDEA Student Evaluation: High; 4.7 on 5.0 scale
LIBS 1000 Liberal Studies: Beginning Field Experience
EDMS 4100 Foundations of Education in a Diverse Society
IDEA Student Evaluations: High; 4.8 on 5.0 scale
EDUC 5960 Thesis: Stella Montanez, Corri Figueiredo
EDUC 5990 Project: Lorena Valencia, Theresa Gill
EDUC 7005 Project: Mari Gutierrez


Student Evaluations (Idea Short Form, 5.0 scale) All raw and adjusted scores fall within the Excellence range.

Spring 2004
LIBS 1000-001 Liberal Studies: Beginning Field Experience
EDML 5400-001 Theory of Multilingual Education
EDML 5001-001 Multilingual Education Evaluation
EDUC 5990/5960/7005 Thesis/Project: Dee Hawksworth-Lutzow, Pam Franklin Angelica Ozuna, Chyllis Scott, Corri Figueiredo, Andrea Katotakis, Vicky Murphy, Lorena Valencia, Mari Gutierrez

Fall 2003
EDML 5400 Theory of Multilingual Education
EDML 5001 Multilingual Education Evaluation
EDUC 5990/5960 Thesis/Project: Alicia Manzo, Dee Hawksworth-Lutzow, Pam Franklin, Angelica Ozuna, Chyllis Scott, Andrea Katotakis, Vicky Murphy

Spring 2003
EDML 5400 Theory of Multilingual Education
EDML 5000  Multilingual Education in the Content Area
EDUC 5990/5960 Thesis/Project
EDUC 4840

Fall 2002 Leave-of-Absence

Spring 2002
EDML 5400 Theory of Multilingual Education (20 enrolled); Overall Excellence of Teacher, Adjusted 5.0; Overall Excellence of Course, Adjusted 5.0

Fall 2001
EDML 5001 Multilingual Education Evaluation (20 Enrolled); Overall Excellence of Teacher, Adjusted 5.0; Overall Excellence of Course, Adjusted 4.9

Spring 2001
EDML 5000 Multilingual Education in the Content Area (22 enrolled); Overall Excellence of Teacher, Adjusted 4.7; Overall Excellence of Course, Adjusted 4.7
EDML 5400 Theory of Multilingual Education (25 enrolled); Overall Excellence of Teacher, Adjusted 4.9; Overall Excellence of Course, Adjusted 5.0
EDUC 5990 Thesis Chair for: Alicia Manzo, Chao Lee, Pam Franklin, Pat Graham.
Member of committee for Yolanda Pedraza;, Pam Franklin.  Member of Committee for Michelle Conners; April BeFumo; Amelia Jimenez; Guillermo Jimenez; Michelle McCabe, Sara Valentine, Lisa Hoover, Heather Hurst, Janice Matthews
EDSB 4815/4816 Five Student Teachers: Osborn; weekly visits for Pilot Project

Fall 2000 
EDML 5001 Multilingual Education Evaluation (9 enrolled); Overall Excellence of Teacher, Adjusted 4.8; Overall Excellence of Course, Adjusted 4.5.
EDSB 4816/4816 Six Student Teachers: Osborn; weekly visits for Pilot Project
EDUC 5990: Chair of Thesis: Yolanda Pedraza

Summer 2000 – Mallorca Spain, The College of New Jersey: no quantitative scores available

Spring 2000
EDSB 4815 and EDSB 4816 (12 student teachers) positive qualitative reviews
EDML 5000 (21 enrolled); Overall Excellence of Teacher, Adjusted 4.6; Overall Excellence of Course, Adjusted 4.6.
EDML 5400 (11 enrolled); Overall Excellence of Teacher, Adjusted 5.0; Overall Excellence of Course, Adjusted 4.8.

Fall 1999
EDML 5001 (17 enrolled) Overall Excellence of Teacher, Adjusted 4.7; Overall Excellence of Course, Adjusted 5.0.
EDSB 4110 (7 enrolled for pilot weekend course) Overall Excellence of Teacher, Adjusted 4.3; Overall Excellence of Course, Adjusted 4.3.
EDSB 4815 and EDSB 4816 (5 student teachers); positive qualitative reviews.
EDUC 5990 (1 student)

Summer 1999 – Mallorca Spain, The College of New Jersey: no quantitative scores available.

Fall 1998 – Spring 1999 Sabbatical Year

Spring 1998
EDML 5400  (17 enrolled), 94% – Overall
EDSB 4816  (4 student teachers)

Fall 1997
EDSB 4110 (23 students), 99% – Overall

Spring 1997
EDML 5000 Multilingual Education in the Content Area (26 students); 4.37 on Teaching Effectiveness; pilot evaluation for CSU Stanislaus.
EDML 5400 Theory of Multilingual Education (17 students), 94% – Overall; 4.69 (5 pt. scale) on Teaching Effectiveness; pilot evaluation for CSU Stanislaus.
EDUC 5990 Thesis (1 student)
EDUC 5980 Independent Studies (2 students)

Fall 1996
EDSB 4110  Reading and Language Arts:  A Holistic Perspective Spanish Bilingual (15 students); 99% – Overall
EDML 5400  Theory of Multilingual Education (16 students); 94% – Overall
EDUC 5990  Chair of Graduate Theses (4 students)

Spring 1996
EDML 5400 – 001 Theory of Multilingual Education; 97% – Overall
EDML 5400 – 002 Theory of Multilingual Education; 99% – Overall
EDUC 5700 – 001 Graduate Seminar
EDUC 5990 Thesis
EDUC 5960 Project
EDUC 5980 Independent Study

Winter 1996
EDML 5000 Multilingual Education in the Content Area Weekend pilot course; 98% – Overall

Spring 1995
EDML 5400 Theory of Multilingual Education; 81 % – Overall
EDML 5000 Multilingual Education in the Content Area; 88% – Overall (both graduate classes highly over enrolled; 40-50 in each class)
EDUC 5990 Thesis

Fall 1995
EDML 5400 Theory of Multilingual Education; 94% – Overall
EDBL 3110 Reading Language Arts Bilingual Spanish; 99% – Overall
EDUC 5990 Thesis
EDUC 5980 Independent Study

Spring 1994
EDML 5000 Multilingual Education in the Content Area; 96% – Overall
EDML 5400 Theory of Multilingual Education; 99% – Overall
EDUC 5990 Thesis
EDUC 5980 Independent Study

Fall 1994
EDML 5001 Multilingual Education Evaluation
EDRG 3251 Elementary Curriculum and Instruction Reading – Spanish; 99% – Overall
EDBL 3110 Elementary Curriculum and Instruction Bilingual Language Arts
EDUC 5990 Thesis
EDUC 5980 Independent Study

Spring 1993
EDUC 5950 Theory of Multilingual Education
EDBL 5000 Multilingual Education in the Content Area
EDUC 5990 Thesis
EDBL 4810 MSCP Bilingual Student Teaching

Fall 1993
EDRG 3251 Elementary Reading – Bilingual Spanish; 98% – Overall
EDML 5001-001 Multilingual Education Evaluation; 92% – Overall
EDML 5001-002 Multilingual Education Evaluation
EDUC 5990 Thesis

Spring 1992
EDMS 3110-03 Elementary Curriculum & Instruction:  Language Arts; 99% – Overall
EDBL 5000  Sheltered Language in the Content Area
EDRG 4240  Reading Instruction in the Primary Grades
EDMS 3815  MSCP Student Teaching
EDBL 4810 MSCP Bilingual Student Teaching

Fall 1992
EDBL 5001 ESL Evaluation, Testing, and Assessment; 98% – Overall
EDRG 3251 Elementary Reading – Bilingual Spanish; 92% – Overall
EDUC 5990 Thesis
EDUC 5980 Independent Study

Fall 1991
EDMS 3110-04 Elementary Language Arts; 98% – Overall
EDMS 3110-02 Elementary Language Arts; 99% – Overall
EDRG 3251 Elementary Reading – Bilingual Spanish; 93%  – Overall
EDBL 5001 ESL Evaluation, Testing, and Assessment
EDMS 3815 MSCP Student Teaching